Cookies and Privacy

Privacy Policy

Winevins is responsible for the website, hereinafter referred to as the website, and is committed to guaranteeing the privacy of the personal data of its users.

This policy explains how Winevins collects, protects, processes, uses and destroys, as well as guarantees the right to access and update personal data that website users provide.

Dear user, please read the following text to understand and become aware of how the information you provide will be treated by Winevins.

1. Definition and responsible
for the treatment

1.1 Personal data should be understood as information, of any nature and medium, including sound and image, relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. An identifiable person is considered to be a person who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identification number or to one or more specific elements of their physical, physiological, psychological, economic, cultural or social identity.

1.2 WineVins is the entity responsible for collecting and processing users' personal data, namely, the categories of data collected, how they are processed and the purposes for which they are used.

2. Personal Data
Collected and Purposes

2.1 Access to the website and navigation: with access to the website, a set of computer data is automatically collected, which is temporarily recorded in specific files, and is also automatically deleted after a certain period. The collection of this data has purely technical objectives, such as connection configuration, system security, technical network administration and optimization of our website. The data we refer to is the following: a) IP address of the requesting processor; b) Date and time of access; c) Name and URL of the transferred file; d) Volume of data transmitted; e) Indication of whether the transfer was
carried out successfully; f) Identification data from the browser software and operating system; g) Website from which you accessed our website; h) Name of the Internet service provider.

2.2 Create Registration: to create a registration on our website, we ask you for some personal data such as your email address, address and tax number, with the purpose of managing your possible online orders and their delivery, as well as the applicable guarantees.

2.3 When using the Winevins website, you agree to accept the terms and conditions of this Privacy Policy, as explained in this section of the website. If you do not accept the terms and conditions of this Privacy Policy, we ask that you do not provide any personal data through this website to Winevins.

2.4 The User guarantees that the personal data provided to
Wine wines are true and you are responsible for communicating any
changing them.

3. Storage period
of your data

The user's personal data will be kept for the period
necessary to comply with legal obligations. In the absence of specific legal requirements, the user's personal data will be stored and preserved
for a period of 2 years after the user's last change, update or interaction with the website. After this period, they will be eliminated.

4. Provision of data to
the 3rd

4.1 Unless otherwise specified, your personal data will not be disclosed to third parties without your explicit consent.

4.2 Your personal data may, however, be disclosed to third party service providers who process personal data on behalf of
of Wine vins, for example, for web page hosting, email, processing payments, shipping and deliveries, brand management and product promotions, responding to questions about services, sending information about new services and products.

4.3 Furthermore, users' personal data may be disclosed to third parties, to: Satisfy requirements imposed by law or competent governmental or judicial authorities; satisfy requirements necessary to initiate or sustain legal proceedings or defense in legal proceedings;

5. Storing your
Personal data

The personal data collected and processed by Wine vins is
stored on servers with limited access, located in controlled facilities.

6. Data transfers
to abroad

The provision of certain services by Wine vins may involve the transfer of your data outside of Portugal. In such a case, Wine vins will strictly comply with the applicable legal provisions, particularly regarding the
determining the suitability of such Country with regard to the protection of personal data and the requirements applicable to such transfers.

7. Security and
data confidentiality

Wine vins' objective is to guarantee the quality and integrity of the information provided by website users, having implemented the necessary measures, both at a technological and organizational level, in order to keep information secure, namely systems
authentication / access control (login and password), use of firewalls and intrusion detection systems, recording of actions carried out by Wine vins employees on personal data of customers or users (logging);

8. Cookies

This website uses cookies to improve its service.
Some cookies are essential to guarantee functionalities
available, while others are aimed at improving performance and user experience. You should not continue to access our website after
alert you about cookies if you do not agree to their use. For more information about the cookies used by this website and how to manage and modify them, please consult our Cookies Policy.

9. Rights of Holders
of the data

In accordance with current legislation, the User has the right to access and rectify their Data, as well as the right to request its deletion, oppose its processing and obtain its limitation or
portability to the extent applicable. You can also object to your Data being used for the purpose of creating your customer profile; in this case, you will not be able to benefit from personalized offers or services. In addition
Furthermore, you may, at any time, request to stop receiving communications from us for marketing and advertising purposes. These rights can be exercised by contacting Wine vins directly,

10. Connection to networks

We allow connection to social networks, but we are not responsible for their privacy and security policies. We recommend that
check them. These are links to social networks external to Wine vins
subject to their own Privacy Policies. These networks may record information regarding users' activities on the Internet, including on our website. We recommend analyzing the conditions of use and
of the privacy policies of these social networks, in order to know exactly how they use users' personal data, as well as the procedure for deleting or limiting the processing of this data.

11. Children

Wine vins does not knowingly collect personal data from
children under the age of eighteen. If you are under eighteen, do not provide us with personal data. If you believe that a child has provided personal data to Wine vins, please contact us so that we can make every effort to delete that personal data from our databases.

12. Applicable law

12.1 In the event of a controversy or claim of any nature related to this website, Portuguese law will apply, regardless of any applicable conflict of laws. All legal actions or proceedings arising from or related to this Privacy Policy, its validity, application, compliance or non-compliance, or the subject matter of this Privacy Policy, will be the jurisdiction of the courts
Portuguese, and the user consents and submits to the jurisdiction of these courts in the indicated cases.

In the event of a dispute, the consumer can resort to an Alternative Consumer Dispute Resolution (RAL) entity.

Alternative Consumer Dispute Resolution entities
(RAL) are the entities authorized to carry out mediation, conciliation and
arbitration of consumer disputes in Portugal that are registered on the list of RAL entities provided for by Law no. 144/2015.

To consult the list of Alternative Consumer Dispute Resolution Entities, click


The European Commission, through Regulation (EU) n. 524/2013 of the European Parliament and the Council, of May 21, 2013, created the
RLL platform for alternative dispute resolution between consumers and traders, relating to online sales or service contracts.

13. Updates
This Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy is subject to change. The date of the last update to this document is indicated in the caption “Updated on” in the header of this document. Changes to this Privacy Policy will come into force when they are published on the website.

Rua Irma Sao Romao, 100