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Through online chat, email, telephone and whatsApp, we will always be available to receive your doubts and/or questions.

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Use the online chat, in real time, to clarify doubts and suggestions. The fastest and most interactive form of contact.

cell phone

+351 934 932 855
Use it to place orders, request information about products, check the availability of items, among other questions.
(call to national mobile network)


Add our mobile contact and talk to us through the WhatsApp application.

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Send an email to or if you prefer, fill in the contact form below. You will receive a response within a maximum period of 2 working days.

Visit us!

R. Sister São Romão 100
barcelos, portugal

Mon - Fri, 10:00 - 20:00
Saturday, 10:00 am - 1:00 pm

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Rua Irma Sao Romao, 100